Are you a parent of a BHS student or a BHS student who is entering college, university, or a police academy? You may be eligible for a $1,000 scholarship from BeBOLD Bedford simply by creating a quick 3-minute video about one of the topics below before this Friday, May 10.

If you plan on studying counseling, social work, psychology (with a focus on addiction counseling or substance abuse related field), pre-medicine, emergency medicine, or nursing – or a related field – you are eligible for one of these scholarships.

More Information
Amount: $1,000 – (Up to 2 Scholarships at $1,000 each)

Description: This annual scholarship will be awarded to a Bedford High School senior entering an accredited college, university or police academy with plans to continue their enrollment. Areas of study that are to be considered include, but are not limited to; counseling, social work, psychology (with a focus on addiction counseling or substance abuse related field), pre-medicine, emergency medicine, nursing. Applicants will submit a video no longer than 3 minutes, describing why they are passionate about health care with a focus on substance abuse and mental health. Video submissions can draw from personal experience or passion.
Themes may include:

  • A project you developed to create prevention awareness in the community.
  • What do you think schools and parents should do to educate students on drug and alcohol prevention and why.
  • What do you think is the biggest risk factor in teens and how would you work to solve this issue.
  • Create an innovative public service announcement on drug and alcohol prevention.

BeBOLD requests permission to use the winning submissions for promotional purposes.

Please submit your video submission via youtube link to or mail a thumb drive to “The BeBOLD Scholarship (in honor of Jim Scanlon)”
c/o BeBOLD
1 Hardy Road #343
Bedford, NH 03110

All entries must include:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Home Address
  • Email Address
  • College/University/Police Academy Attending

All scholarship winners will be notified by phone or in writing no later than May 13, 2019.

All videos will become the property of BeBOLD and will not be returned.

Please contact with any questions.