Join BeBOLD for Our 4th Annual Duckin’ Dodge Event

Bedford, NH. (December 13, 2024): BeBOLD is sponsoring its fourth annual Duckin’ Dodgeball Event on Wednesday, May 14 from 5:30-7:30pm at the NH Sportsplex located at 68 Technology Drive, Bedford, NH, in the back building. Teams can compete for prizes and support BeBOLD’s drug and alcohol education and prevention efforts. Proceeds from the event support BeBOLD’s Activity Sponsorship Program, the Jim Scanlon Memorial Scholarship Program, and other BeBOLD community outreach efforts including speakers and awareness.

BeBOLD encourages anyone to create a team of 5-7 players for some dodgeball fun! Grab your co-workers, friends or family members and sign up at Student teams (grades 5+) are FREE and students can earn one hour of cultural enrichment for participating. Adult team entry fees are $200.

Download the event flyer here.

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors below!

BeBOLD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit drug awareness, education and prevention coalition in Bedford, NH. The coalition includes adult and youth volunteers as well as local police, school and community professionals. BeBOLD’s mission is to prevent substance abuse in the Bedford community by educating Bedford’s adults and youth about the current dangers of all kinds of substance abuse, including alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs and tobacco.


Bedford, NH. (October 8, 2024): BeBOLD is sponsoring its 8 th annual “BEDFORD GOES RED” for Red Ribbon Week, a national drug prevention initiative held every October 23 – 31. “BEDFORD GOES RED” for Red Ribbon is a local, community effort run in conjunction with National Red Ribbon Week.

BeBOLD’s ‘BEDFORD GOES RED’ for Red Ribbon Week is an entire week of businesses and homes displaying red ribbons and/or red lights to support and encourage people to stay drug free.

Get your red ribbons/bows at Cohen Closing and Title, located at 334 NH-101 in Bedford and Primary Bank, located at 207 NH-101 in Bedford. You can get red light bulbs generously donated by and available at Bedford ACE Hardware located at 209 NH-101. Red ribbons/bows and lights are FREE, while supplies last! Thank you to these businesses who have supported BeBOLD’s ‘BEDFORD GOES RED’ for Red Ribbon Week for many years.

Once you have your red lights and/or red ribbons displayed, take a video or photo of you and/or your business, send it to and we will post it on our social media! Support BeBOLD and get your business’ name out in the community!

This year, Elliot Hospital emergency room physician and BeBOLD Board Member Dr. Kevin Rankins will share an informative program with Bedford High School juniors. The program aims to highlight some of the real-life instances of substance misuse he has encountered in the ER and help students understand how seemingly innocuous choices can have a long-term impact on their lives.

For more information about BeBOLD or to donate directly to BeBOLD, please check out and for more information regarding National Red Ribbon Week, please visit

BeBOLD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit drug awareness, education and prevention coalition in Bedford, NH.  The coalition includes adult and youth volunteers as well as local police, school and community professionals. BeBOLD’s mission is to prevent substance abuse in the Bedford community by educating Bedford’s adults and youth about the current dangers of all kinds of substance abuse, including alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs and tobacco.

BeBOLD Scholarship Program – 2024

This annual scholarship will be awarded to a Bedford High School senior entering an accredited college, university or police academy with plans to continue their enrollment.

Areas of study that are to be considered include, but are not limited to; counseling, social work, psychology (with a focus on addiction counseling or substance abuse related field), pre-medicine, emergency medicine, nursing.

Amount: $1,000

Submit a video no longer than 3 minutes, describing why they are passionate about health care with a focus on substance abuse and mental health. Video submissions can draw from personal experience or passion.

Themes may include:
A) A project you developed to create prevention awareness in the community.
B) What do you think schools and parents should do to educate students on drug and alcohol prevention and why.
C) What do you think is the biggest risk factor in teens and how would you work to solve this issue?
D) Create an innovative public service announcement on drug and alcohol prevention.

BeBOLD requests permission to use the winning submissions for promotional purposes.

Please submit your video submission via youtube link to before May 13, 2024. You may also submit your application using the form at the bottom of this page.

c/o BeBOLD
1 Hardy Road #343
Bedford, NH 03110

All entries must include:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Home Address
  • Email Address
  • College/University/Police Academy Attending

All scholarship winners will be notified by phone or in writing prior to our Duckin’ Dodge event on Thursday, May 16.

All videos will become the property of BeBOLD and will not be returned.

Please contact with any questions.

Scholarship Application


Join BeBOLD for Our 3rd Annual Duckin’ Dodge Event

Bedford, NH. (November 13, 2023): BeBOLD is sponsoring its third annual Duckin’ Dodgeball Event on Thursday, May 16 from 5:30-8:00pm at the NH Sportsplex located at 68 Technology Drive, Bedford, NH, in the back building. Teams can compete for prizes and support BeBOLD’s drug and alcohol education and prevention efforts. Proceeds from the event support BeBOLD’s Activity Sponsorship Program and The Jim Scanlon Memorial Scholarship Program.

BeBOLD encourages anyone to create a team of 5-7 players for some dodgeball fun! Grab your co-workers, friends or family members and sign up at Student teams are FREE and students can earn one hour of cultural enrichment for participating. Adult team entry fees are $200.

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors below!

Registration for this event has now closed.

BeBOLD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit drug awareness, education and prevention coalition in Bedford, NH. The coalition includes adult and youth volunteers as well as local police, school and community professionals. BeBOLD’s mission is to prevent substance abuse in the Bedford community by educating Bedford’s adults and youth about the current dangers of all kinds of substance abuse, including alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs and tobacco.


Bedford, NH. (October 2, 2023): BeBOLD is sponsoring its 7th annual “BEDFORD GOES RED” for Red Ribbon Week, a national drug prevention initiative held every October 23 – 31. “BEDFORD GOES RED” for Red Ribbon is a local, community effort run in conjunction with National Red Ribbon Week.

BeBOLD’s “BEDFORD GOES RED“ for Red Ribbon Week is an entire week of businesses and homes displaying red ribbons and/or red lights to support and encourage people to stay drug free.

Again this year, you can get red ribbons/bows at Cohen Closing and Title, located at 334 NH-101 in Bedford, as well as at Primary Bank, located at 207 NH-101 in Bedford. You can pick up red light bulbs generously donated by and available at Bedford ACE Hardware located at 209 NH-101. Red ribbons/bows and lights are FREE while supplies last! Thank you to these businesses who have supported BeBOLD’s ‘BEDFORD GOES RED’ for Red Ribbon Week for many years.

Once you have your red lights and/or red ribbons displayed, take a video or photo of you and/or your business, send it to and we will post it on our social media! Support BeBOLD and get your business’ name out in the community!

BeBOLD will also be commemorating Red Ribbon Week with participation in two other events. The first will involve Bedford High School students who are members of Life of a Bulldog, and will take place at BHS from 11:25 AM-1:15 PM on Monday, October 23. These students will educate their fellow students about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse by engaging them in informative trivia games during lunch.

The second, a community event, is the BSD and DEA’s “One Pill Can Kill” presentation, taking place Thursday, October 26, from 6:00-7:30 PM at the Ross A. Lurgio Media Center. Parents and students can learn about the dangers of counterfeit pills.

For more information about BeBOLD, please check out, and for more information regarding National Red Ribbon Week, please visit You can also follow BeBOLD on social media at and

BeBOLD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit drug awareness, education and prevention coalition in Bedford, NH. The coalition includes adult and youth volunteers as well as local police, school and community professionals. BeBOLD’s mission is to prevent substance abuse in the Bedford community by educating Bedford’s adults and youth about the current dangers of all kinds of substance abuse, including alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, and tobacco.


Join BeBOLD for Our 2nd Annual Duckin’ Dodge Event

Bedford, NH. (March 6, 2023): BeBOLD is sponsoring its 2nd annual Duckin’ Dodgeball Event on Wednesday, May 24th from 5:30-7:30pm at the NH Sportsplex located at 68 Technology Drive, Bedford, NH, in the back building. Teams can compete for prizes and support BeBOLD’s drug and alcohol education and prevention efforts. Proceeds from the event support BeBOLD’s Activity Sponsorship Program and The Jim Scanlon Memorial Scholarship Program.

BeBOLD encourages anyone to create a team of 5-7 players for some dodgeball fun! Grab your co-workers, friends or family members and sign up at Student teams are FREE and students can earn one hour of cultural enrichment for participating. Adult teams are $200.

Special thanks to our event sponsors Cohen Closing and Title, The Executive Health and Sports Center/NH Sportsplex, Gear Up Bedford, Millenium Running, and The HYN Group. Food for the event provided by Pizza Bella.

Our event flier may be downloaded here.

Additional sponsorship opportunities are available! You may underwrite a student team for $100, sponsor/create a team for $200 or be an event sponsor for $500, which includes a team and promotion on all event marketing materials.

“Last year was our first ever event and we were thrilled with the turnout,” said Kyle Winston, current board member of BeBOLD. “It was a blast watching our participants compete for the Duckin’ Dodgeball trophy. Currently the trophy is displayed at the Bedford High School in honor of the 2022 Duckin’ Dodgeball winners, ‘The Hungry Hippos’.”

Please register your team NOW!

Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors!

BeBOLD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit drug awareness, education and prevention coalition in Bedford, NH. The coalition includes adult and youth volunteers as well as local police, school and community professionals. BeBOLD’s mission is to prevent substance abuse in the Bedford community by educating Bedford’s adults and youth about the current dangers of all kinds of substance abuse, including alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs and tobacco.


Contact: Tracey Bell
BeBOLD President

Bedford, NH. (October 12, 2022): BeBOLD is sponsoring its sixth annual “BEDFORD GOES RED” for Red Ribbon Week, a national drug prevention initiative held every October 23-31. The national theme this year is “Celebrate Life Drug Free”. “BEDFORD GOES RED” for Red Ribbon is a local, community effort run in conjunction with National Red Ribbon Week.

BeBOLD’s ‘BEDFORD GOES RED’ for Red Ribbon Week is an entire week of businesses and homes displaying red ribbons and/or red lights to support and encourage people to stay drug free.

You can get red ribbons/bows at Primary Bank, located at 207 NH-101 in Bedford and Cohen Closing and Title, located at 334 NH-101 in Bedford. You can get red light bulbs generously donated by and available at Bedford ACE Hardware located at 209 NH-101. Red ribbons/bows and lights are FREE, while supplies last!

Once you have your red lights and/or red ribbons displayed, take a video or photo of you “going RED and being BOLD”, send it to and we will post it on our social media! Support BeBOLD and get your business’ name out in the community!

For more information about BeBOLD, please check out and for more information regarding National Red Ribbon Week, please visit

BeBOLD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit drug awareness, education and prevention coalition in Bedford, NH. The coalition includes adult and youth volunteers as well as local police, school and community professionals. BeBOLD’s mission is to prevent substance abuse in the Bedford community by educating Bedford’s adults and youth about the current dangers of all kinds of substance abuse, including alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs and tobacco.


BeBOLD Scholarship Program – 2022

Are you a parent of a BHS student or a BHS student who is entering college, university, or a police academy? You may be eligible for a $1,000 scholarship from BeBOLD Bedford simply by creating a quick 3-minute video about one of the topics below before Thursday, May 19.

If you plan on studying counseling, social work, psychology (with a focus on addiction counseling or substance abuse related field), pre-medicine, emergency medicine, or nursing – or a related field – you may be eligible for one of these scholarships.

More Information
Amount: $1,000

Description: This annual scholarship will be awarded to a Bedford High School senior entering an accredited college, university or police academy with plans to continue their enrollment. Areas of study that are to be considered include, but are not limited to; counseling, social work, psychology (with a focus on addiction counseling or substance abuse related field), pre-medicine, emergency medicine, nursing. Applicants will submit a video no longer than 3 minutes, describing why they are passionate about health care with a focus on substance abuse and mental health. Video submissions can draw from personal experience or passion.
Themes may include:

  • A project you developed to create prevention awareness in the community.
  • What do you think schools and parents should do to educate students on drug and alcohol prevention and why.
  • What do you think is the biggest risk factor in teens and how would you work to solve this issue.
  • Create an innovative public service announcement on drug and alcohol prevention.

BeBOLD requests permission to use the winning submissions for promotional purposes.

Please submit your video submission via youtube link to or mail a thumb drive to “The BeBOLD Scholarship (in honor of Jim Scanlon).” You may also submit your application using the form at the bottom of this page.

c/o BeBOLD
1 Hardy Road #343
Bedford, NH 03110

All entries must include:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Home Address
  • Email Address
  • College/University/Police Academy Attending

All scholarship winners will be notified by phone or in writing no later than June 10, 2022.

All videos will become the property of BeBOLD and will not be returned.

Please contact with any questions.

Scholarship Application


Join BeBOLD for Our Inaugural Duckin’ Dodge Event

BeBOLD Bedford was developed so Bedford’s student population could dodge the temptations of drugs and alcohol that often derail the hopes and dreams of our students. This year, BeBOLD is fundraising to provide additional positive programming opportunities to the youth of Bedford – and it is with a fun community event, a dodgeball tournament!

The tournament is scheduled to take place at NH Sportsplex (68 Technology Dr, Bedford NH 03110) on Wednesday, March 9, from 5-7 PM.

Download the event flyer here.

Teams competing in the dodgeball tournament can win prizes while benefitting a great cause! Students in grades 6-12 are welcomed to make teams for free, and local businesses will be able to create their own teams of only $100! Teams are comprised of 5-7 people, with five competing at a time and as many as two alternates. First place team and the team with the best costume will win a prize! Food and beverages will be provided!

Registration for this event is now closed.